Book Discussion: blurbs

Hey Happy Bookworms!

So, I did my DNF’ing books discussion & you guys liked it so I’ve been thinking of some ideas & this is one of my favourite ones! I’ve actually been thinking of so many blogging ideas lately & I’m really excited to do some of them! (So stay tuned 😉)


I’m sure you all know what a blurb is, the little synopsis on the back or just inside a book, but I’m also including any other form of this, like the one on goodreads or any other site like it.

My problem:

Now I’m all sure you’re like, um….El? Why are we discussion blurbs & what could you possible have a problem with? Well, let me enlighten you to my predicament – Blurbs are MAJOR spoiler nests. Imagine an innocent little book mummy bird, taking care of all her non-spoilery word babies on the back & then – THIS BLURB ISN’T ENTICING ENOUGH screams a random marketing person in the back – suddenly, we have a spoiler-cuckoo push into the nest & ruin the book for us. (I hope you were able to follow that analogy 😂) Basically, what I’m trying to say is blurbs contain some major spoilers that can ruin our experience if we’re not careful. 🐥 <- the spoiler-cuckoo!

Why blurbs are important:

I mean, this goes without saying (*watch as I tell you all about it for 130 words*) obviously we can’t just get rid of blurbs! The whole reason we TBR a book is because of all the juicy bits in the blurb, otherwise all books would just sound boring & no one would want to read them. If we didn’t know that the main character’s friend is going to die, causing her to go on an adventure to uncover the reason of her death then we wouldn’t want to read it – I mean would you want to read ‘something unexpected happens to girl so she tries to find out why’? Obviously not! (& don’t tell me you would!) It sounds so vague that the book could be about anything! So how do we get around this?

My solution:

Hehe, I have actually come up with the perfect way to combat this! …Would you like to know? 😏
My perfect plan:

  1. I read the synopsis & add it to my TBR
  2. I literally never read it again

So perfect & ingenious, I know 😂
I literally apply this to everything though, my friend lent me some books – I haven’t read the synopsises (at all!) Like, I know what genre they are so I’ll know when I’m in the mood for it but not any specifics (except for maze runner because I kinda know what it’s about from just it being famous). I know it sounds kinda crazy but I genuinely think it enhances my experience with the book so much knowing nothing/little about it.

Not reading blurbs at all:

Obviously this is an impossibility unless you’re up for reading literally anything but I did try it as an experiment a couple months ago. Adi & I went to our Libraries and just picked a random book to read & it actually worked really well (for me at least!) This is the post if you wanna check it out (and Adi’s name is linked to hers too) By doing this I read a book I wouldn’t normally read but I also avoided a major spoiler that would have ruined the book a lot. Overall though, this totally isn’t a viable option!

And…that’s it! What did you think of this post? Do you think the screaming book people in the background should be stopped? Should there be no spoilers in blurbs? What about little spoilers?

Thank you so much for reading & beware the spoiler-cuckoo! *Cuckaw* 🐤


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15 thoughts on “Book Discussion: blurbs

  1. Amber says:

    Hey El ❤️
    This is so true!! Some books really do have spoilers in their blurbs but then it’s the only way to entice the reader to actually pick it up and read it so I do feel sorry for them in a way ❤️
    Sometimes blurbs aren’t spoilers, like when they say their friend has died it’s not a spoiler it’s just an explanation as to why if that makes any sense what-so-ever? XD
    Amber xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • El says:

      It would be so hard to write a good blurb – so much happens in a book & you can’t give away any good bits but you still have to make it interesting & different.
      I get what you mean & if it’s prior to the book starting then that’s fine, it’s just if their friend dies in the first couple chapters then I still like to experience that with the character (otherwise I feel like a physic 🔮)


  2. Clo @ Book Dragons says:

    “suddenly, we have a spoiler-cuckoo push into the nest & ruin the book for us” OMG I’M LAUGHING SPOILER-CUCKOO phahaha I can picture that so clearly xD

    Spoilery blurbs are the literal worst though. Particularly when I’ve read one and am like…so is there any point in me reading the book now? Like someone needs to catch the spoiler-cuckoo and shove it in a corner for misbehaving.

    Liked by 1 person

    • El says:

      😂 I know! Like the whole point of reading is using our ~imagination~ so you have to give us intrigue without just telling us the major plot points!

      I think a conspiracy definitely needs to be planned to put an end to the spoiler-cuckoo once & for all!
      Thanks for reading 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lais @ The Bookish Skies says:

    honestly, i do not mind blurbs that much, even if they contain spoilers. sometimes, i’d rather be spoiled by a book than to miss a huge trigger warning that i could’ve picked up by reading the synopsis.
    as for official author blurbs and such, like when they ask for an author to blurb a book and then add that to the cover: i am ALWAYS sold by those. recently, i found “like a love story by abdi nazemian” on my local bookstore and even though i’d seen the cover going around before, i’d never actually read the synopsis of the book. but i saw that both robin benway and mackenzi lee blurbed it and that sold me already! i love whenever authors i already admire recommend books; i think it actually sells me more than the actual premise!

    Liked by 1 person

    • El says:

      That’s interesting! I guess it just goes back to me liking plot twists & stuff to be surprising, while it’s not so important to you. Like how you like rereading but I’m not so much of a fan!
      I think it’s fair for triggers warnings though, I don’t really have any so I just ignore them but I can totally see how if you do then you’d obviously have to read them for a book.
      Like a love story’s on my TBR too – going into bookshops is the best place to find books you never thought of!
      Thank you so much for your opinions! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    • El says:

      Yes! That’s a great solution – it’s always so much better to get an honest opinion & run-down of the book!
      And what?! The spoiler cuckoo isn’t cute HE’S TERRIFYING! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. beckythemothling says:

    That is a VERY good solution, I’ve been doing it for years. Foolproof.

    Whenever a blurb describes the hero as ‘hot’ and that’s the only description of him, I always put the book back. I know it’s probably the copywriter’s fault and not the author’s, but I’m just not taking that chance…
    I’m trying to think if I’ve ever actually come across a super spoily blurb (almost typed bird, lol). I know I’ve come across blurbs with these fascinating plots that were actually…not what the book was about at all, but I can’t remember running into spoilery ones? I’m sure I have and just don’t remember though. I love the bird analogy, btw.

    Liked by 1 person

    • El says:

      I know, there are so many books out there that I just don’t have the time to take chances on dodgy blurbs!
      I guess it depends what you class as a spoiler & there are different degrees of it but thankfully not a lot of big spoilers get through but I have had some… (the spoiler cuckoo is taking over your movements! 🐥)
      Ugh, I know! That’s just the worst :/ Sometimes I read a book & I’m just like did the person who wrote the synopsis just not read the book? Like at all?!

      Liked by 1 person

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